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How do we do wedding videos?

We know that on your wedding day there's a lot going on and having to worry about the video is the last thing on your mind. All we need for you to do is tell us you want your wedding on video and you can leave the rest to us. Now we know that just taking us at our word that you can, "leave the rest to us" isn't entirely convincing. Let us take a moment to talk about our approach to wedding videos.

Wedding video, done differently.

We've all seen those old wedding videos. The one where one of the relatives is in back of the room with a video camera. And if you want to watch your own wedding like an outsider, that's fine. But who wants that? We use multiple cameras to capture the wedding from several different angles.

Why do we use multiple cameras?

By using multiple cameras we are able to capture all of the special moments that you might miss if you only had one camera in the back. We make sure to capture all of the moments, emotions, and reactions of your wedding and edit them together in a way that hopefully recreates the feelings when you watch it.

You won't notice us.

While we use multiple cameras to capture your wedding from different angles, our goal is that if you aren't looking for the cameras, you won't even know they are there. We use small cameras strategically placed to capture the wedding from angles that you couldn't get with someone operating a camera.

If you are interested, contact us

Please leave us a message with any questions or if you are interested in having us make your wedding video. We will get back with you within 24 hours of your submission.

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